UPDATE: upgrading to 1.7.0.beta.1 fixed the issue, but now I'm getting another error:
ERROR in ./src/main.ts
Module build failed: Error: Angular Compiler was detected but it was an instance of the wrong class.
This likely means you have several @ngtools/webpack packages installed. You can check this with `npm ls @ngtools/webpack`, and then remove the extra copies.
at Object.ngcLoader (C:\Users\multi\Desktop\portfolioWeb\node_modules\@ngtools\webpack\src\loader.js:458:19)
@ multi webpack-dev-server/client? ./src/main.ts
ERROR in ./src/polyfills.ts
I had this same error. Open your package.json in your project directory and try removing the line that installs webpack (@ngtools/webpack) - it seems that it's installed anyway with the new 1.7.0. At least in my project this fixed the issue. Then reinstall ang-cli. I don't know if reinstall is required - you might just try running 'npm prune' after modifying the package.json - this should remove modules that are not present in your package.json.
You can check if the duplicate has been removed by running the recommended 'npm ls @ngtools/webpack' - it should only show the version you installed and not the previous one.
I have faced this issue during upgrading in order to remove any extra packages of
from the dependencies in package.json, you will need to use the save flag:If you have installed the package as a "devDependency" (i.e. with
) then--save
won't remove it from package.json. You need to use--save-dev
to uninstall it. Here is the outcome of the above commandI deleted the file package-lock.json also deleted the content from the folder node_modules, then I executed npm install, after that ng serve command