In RDF I have seen examples like
John | Is a Friend of | James
James | Is a friend of | Jill
Jill | Likes | Snowboarding
Snowboarding | Is a | Sport
But if something happened in a model which is described by a 5-tuple called
{Subject, Event, Beneficiary, Time, Place}
For Example:
"John met Thomas yesterday in garden"
John - Subject
met - Event
Thomas - Beneficiary
yesterday - Time
in garden - Place
How can it be represented in RDF?
This is an example of n-ary relationships. They are typically modeled in RDF with the help of an extra node, which may be a blank node (but does not necessarily have to).
The W3C Semantic Web Best Practices and Deployment Working Group has published a note on n-ary relationships in RDF.
One of many ways to express your example in RDF could look like
This solution uses a blank node (abbreviated with
in turtle syntax) and imaginary individuals and properties in theex: