I'm using Google Maps to highlight a bunch of countries using Fusion Tables to grab the geometry. You can see an example of this here:
var layer = new google.maps.FusionTablesLayer({
query: {
select: locationColumn,
from: tableId,
where: "ISO_2DIGIT IN ('AF','AL','DZ','AD','AO','AG','AR','AM','AU','AT','AZ','BS','BH','BD','BB','BY','BE','BZ','BJ','BT','BO','BA','BW','BR','BN','BG','BF','BI','KH','CM','CA','CV','CF','TD','CL','CN','CO','KM','CG','CD','CR','HR','CU','CY','CZ','DK','DJ','DM','DO','EC','EG','SV','GQ','ER','EE','ET','FJ','FI','FR','GA','GM','GE','DE','GH','GR','GD','GT','GN','GW','GY','HT','HN','HU','IS','IN','ID','CI','IR','IQ','IE','IL')"
options : {suppressInfoWindows:true},
styles: [{
polygonOptions: {
fillColor: "#000000",
strokeWeight: "0",
fillOpacity: 0.4
The problems begin when I try to grab too many items from the table. Google uses a URL with all of the query values to grab the data required and with URL encoding it can grow to be quite large in length.
You can see an example of the URL here if you open up the console and check the URLs being thrown in the errors:
The URL it generates in that particular example is 3749 characters, way over the 2048 character limit.
Does anybody have any ideas on a way I could prevent the URL from getting this large but at the same time still be able to select 150+ items?
The easiest solution is to move things client-side: http://jsfiddle.net/4mtyu/725/
Part 1 :: Initialize the map and fusion tables
You can do this how ever you prefer, just make sure the fusion tables have all countries selected. Example:
Part 2 :: Sort countries and render
(a) Once you have the full list of countries, you have to sort them. A simple
check should do the trick.(b) After sorting we need turn our countries into LatLon Coordinates, this is done in the
function (see below)(c) Then all that's left is to generate the polygon and add it to our map!
Part 3 :: Generating the coordinates