So I have a SVG element - big circle - and group of elements inside .
I would like to rotate this elements around this big circle. The code is very simply, but I'm already freaking out how to set this circle (graph__skils) on correct path (big circle). As you can see on link below this small circle isn't rotating correct on the big circle. Please help
HTML file
<section class="graph">
<svg xmlns=""
viewBox="0 0 670 696">
<g class="graph__middle">
<path fill="#3f9" d="M345 264c34.794 0 63 28.206 63 63s-28.206 63-63 63-63-28.206-63-63 28.206-63 63-63z"/>
<g class="graph__design" >
<g class="graph_mainCircle">
<path fill="none" stroke="#cf9" stroke- linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-miterlimit="50" d="M345 197c71.797 0 130 58.203 130 130s-58.203 130-130 130-130-58.203-130-130 58.203-130 130-130z"/>
<g class="graph__skills">
<g class="graph__middle">
<path fill="#cf9" d="M445.053 387c11.052 0 20.012 8.954 20.012 20s-8.96 20-20.012 20-20.012-8.954-20.012-20 8.96-20 20.012-20z"/>
SCSS file
.graph {
position: relative;
svg {
position: relative;
border: 2px solid blue;
width: 99%;
height: 99%;
&__design {
position: relative;
&__skills {
transform-origin: center;
position: absolute;
animation: mercury-group 18s linear infinite;
&__middle {
position: relative;
@keyframes mercury-group {
0% {
transform: rotateZ(0deg);
100% {
transform: rotateZ(-360deg);
You can rotate the big circle instead like below:
The center of the svg element is not the center of your planets. You will need to change the
to345px 328px
. In order to calculate the new center I've used the getBBox() method for thegraph__middle
SVG example
My example doesn't answer exactly your question but I hope you take some ideas from my answer.
Judging by the names of the animation
you want to create a model of the solar system.I propose a variant of the animation of the rotation of the planet around the sun.
I located the center of rotation of the planets of the solar system in the center of the sun which has coordinates
x =" 250 "
y =" 175 "
center of the sunTherefore, the animation team of the rotation of the planet around the sun has the following form:
Filters and gradients are used to design the appearance of the planet and the sun.
Animation of the ripple of the sun and changing its color
Below is the full animation code for the rotation of the planet around the sun: