To check memory allocations we populate single precision arrays with unit values and interrogate with the SUM
commands. These intrinsics stop counting after 16777216 (= 2^24). How can we get these commands to count billions of elements? We prefer to avoid DO
loops. This is not a problem with higher precision arrays.
program allocator
use iso_fortran_env
implicit NONE
integer, parameter :: sp = selected_real_kind ( REAL32 )
integer, parameter :: xlint = selected_int_kind ( INT64 )
integer ( xlint ) :: n = 100000000
real ( sp ), allocatable, dimension ( : ) :: array
integer ( xlint ) :: alloc_status = 0
character ( len = 255 ) :: alloc_msg = ""
allocate ( array ( 1 : n ), stat = alloc_status, errmsg = alloc_msg )
if ( alloc_status /= 0 ) print *, 'allocation error on ', n, ' elements: stat = ', alloc_status, ', errmsg = ', alloc_msg
array = 1.0_sp
write ( *, '( "number of elements allocated = ", g0 )' ) n
write ( *, '( "sum of elements = ", g0 )' ) sum ( array )
write ( *, '( "dot product = ", g0, / )' ) dot_product ( array, array )
deallocate ( array, stat = alloc_status, errmsg = alloc_msg )
if ( alloc_status /= 0 ) print *, 'deallocation error on ', n, ' elements: stat = ', alloc_status, ', errmsg = ', alloc_msg
write ( *, '( "compiler version = ", A )' ) compiler_version()
write ( *, '( "compiler options = ", A )' ) trim ( compiler_options() )
end program allocator
number of elements allocated = 100000000
sum of elements = 16777216.
dot product = 16777216.
compiler version = GCC version 4.6.2 20111019 (prerelease)
compiler options = -fPIC -mmacosx-version-min=10.6.8 -mtune=core2
That's due to the limited precision with single precision reals...
Since you only have 24 bits for your significant "digits", your resolution is 1/2**24 = 1/16777216. In other words, you cannot resolve an addition of 1/1677721 to 1, or in your case
To be able to resolve this operations which is required for both
(even if calculated using simple loops), you would need (at least) another bit of precision:Output: