In the example at when I click the submit button, I notice (by using Firebug) that my browser submits the source:
{"params":["Hello ","Python!"],"method":"concat","id":1}
It's not posting a parameter (eg. json=[encoded string from above]
), but rather just posting a raw string with the above value.
Is there an widely accepted way to replicated this via a GET request, or do I need to just urlencode the same string and include it as!%22%5d%2c%22method%22%3a%22concat%22%2c%22id%22%3a1%7d
? I understand that some older browsers cannot handle a URI of more than 250 characters, but I'm OK with that.
You are correct that only POST submits data separately from the URI. So urlencoding it into the querystring is the only way to go, if you must use GET. (Well, I suppose you could try setting custom request headers or using cookies, but the only "widely accepted" way is to use the querystring.)
A GET request doesn't usually transmit data in any other way besides headers, so you should pass the string encoded in the URL if you wish to use GET.
In a normal form post the header
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
lets the server know to expect the format in key=val format whereas the page you linked sendsContent-Type: application/json-rpc; charset=UTF-8
. After the headers (which are terminated with the blank line) the data follows in the specified format.