I have an app on Google Play whose java package name has the last part in mixed-case.. I was looking to remove an Android Lint warning (see this question) and Jens made me notice that Java naming conventions say that you should use only lowercase letters for java package names, and maybe this is what causes the warning.. My app works correctly, but I'd like to change the package name to lowercase, to comply with java naming conventions.. If I change the name of the package to only-lowercase, will I break the correct behavior of Google Play? I.e., if I release a new version of the app with the new package name Android will not recognize it as the same app installed on devices and it will appear as a completely different app? Do you suggest me simply to ignore this mistake and remember to comply with naming conventions in my next project or could I have problems (worse than simple Lint warnings) with the mixed-case package name?
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Its not possible to change it . Please read http://android-developers.blogspot.in/2011/06/things-that-cannot-change.html