Has anyone find to use the GAE remote api but instead of connecting to AppEngine to connect to localhost? For dev purposes of course
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i was able to get this working by adding the following to the app.yaml file
and then from the command line you can access the db, users, urlfetch or memcache modules
This will prompt you for the email and password but this is not important right now. the remote_api_shell.py is on my path from the google app engine directory
If there are some like me who prefer to execute from a python script rather than a shell:
I run the dev server with the option "--api_port 8081" otherwise just look at the port used in the dev server logs ("Starting API server at ...").
The environ tweaks are to be able to use cloudstorage api against the dev server too.
Have you tried the development console? To access it, go to this URL: http://localhost:8080/_ah/admin.
If you really want to use the remote API, have a look at this article. I believe you can use the dev_server by passing the local host url to the interactive console script.
For Java see this document which explains both local and remote access https://developers.google.com/appengine/docs/java/tools/remoteapi#Configuring_Remote_API_on_the_Client