I can't install Postgresql. I've tried everything:
- I run the setup as Administrator.
- I create a postgresql user an I add it to the Administrator group.
- I install it directly on C:\postgresql.
but without any success. for information: I have windows 8
Possible solution for 10.3. version:
Download PostgreSQL installation file
Move downloaded file to C:\ drive.
Example: C:\postgresql-10.3-2-windows-x64.exe
Create directory named PostgreSQL in C:\ drive
Create directory named 10 in previously created PostgreSQL directory.
So you need to have C:\PostgreSQL\10.
Run C:\postgresql-10.3-2-windows-x64.exe (DO NOT CLICK ON 'RUN AS ADMIN', just double click)
Change installation directory path to C:\PostgreSQL
Change data directory path to C:\PostgreSQL\data
Hopefully, installation should be successful.