I'm finding only about 30% of my code actually solves problems, the rest is taken up by logging, tests, parameter checking, exceptions, error handling and so on. Do you find that in your code, and is there an IDE/Editor that allows you to hide code that's not interesting?
OTOH are there languages which make the support code more manageable and smaller in size?
Edit - I think we're all aware of the difference between business logic and other code. I'm not saying that the logging etc is not important. The things is, when I'm coding I'm either implementing business logic, or I'm making sure things don't break. For me that's two different ways of thinking, do others develop like that, and is there an IDE that supports that way of developing?
The real code you are referring to is usually called "Business Logic".
In a good unit testing system, your unit tests should be in their own classes (and probably their own assemblies) so that shouldn't be an issue.
The rest is language based for the most part. The more advanced a language, the better it's ability to avoid writing support code to some degree. Also, a well-targetted development system can help you avoid writing a lot of code (Visual Basic's screen builder, Ruby on Rails, ...) but these abstractions can break down and cause you to write just as much code as anything else if you use it to develop targets outside it's intended types of apps. (VB & Ruby don't help all that much if you're calculating prime numbers)
Beyond the language/platform, you have refactoring--the art of eliminating all the supporting code that you can (as well as redundancies in your business logic) to keep your code-base clean and small.
When practicing advanced refactoring, you'll probably end up writing tools for yourself.
Sometimes abstracting data out of your code and into a structured file of some sort can eliminate huge piles of support code and move the rest into "Business logic" because now parsing that data and setting it up is part of the "business" your program does.
This is a good trade-off because this type of business logic tends to be more readable and easier to factor. The other advantage of this kind of abstraction is that all your "Configuration" is now done in data which tends to make it somebody elses' problem.
As an example of this type of tooling: Rails itself! It takes a lot of the boilerplate of web development and factors it out of the code and into libraries driven by data and simplistic code (Ruby blurs the line between code and data--their data files actually loop back to being specified in Ruby code!)
I have some coworkers who once, while being chewed out by a client for an overdue and bug-ridden project, bragged to the customer that they had written 5 times as much test code as operational code.
The client was not happy, and by "not happy" I mean their skin turned green, they grew to 5 times their normal size, and their clothes popped off.
I don't try to make all routines foolproof, only those exposed to the outside world.
Higher and more dynamic languages are usually less verbose. Weak typing also saves a lot of code. Of course there are trade-offs.
The supporting code is important, but you want not to be distracted by it when you don't want to. There are two technologies that can help.
A language with first-class functions will help you modularize your code so that logging, timing, and so on can be implemented once and then combined with many other modules. It will also help you write unit tests. Some good ways to learn the techniques are to read the paper Why Functional Programming Matters and to learn about the QuickCheck tool. (No, I am not a shill for John Hughes, but he does do wonderful work.)
If you cannot use a programming language with powerful capabilities for modularization and reuse, or if you don't want to, Don Knuth's Literate Programming technique will help you organize your code so that you can split up parts the way you want and pay attention only to what you want, when you want. The Noweb literate-programming tool supports any language that can be written in ASCII, and also combinations of those languages.
Work expands to fill it's container. This really sounds like an economics question. (ie. optimizing your outputs- features for users and features for the developer) with expensive inputs (time spent writing features, time spent writing plumbing code.)
You have to include user visible features or you don't have a viable product or job. Once that is done partly done, your remaining budget of time will be split between activities with a visible return on effort and an invisible (but positive!) return on effort, like exception logging, memory management, etc.
What ever language makes it cheaper to implement features will probably increase your features/to plumbing code ratio. Likewise, whatever language makes it cheaper to implement plumbing code will probably increase the feature to plumbing code because you'll have freed up more time to write features.
Like all optimization problems you'd have 2 effects-- the increase in the size of the support code (because say, you're using cheap code generation) and the increase in the size of feature related code (because you have more time left over to write features), so the final ratio might be hard to predict.
I do not begrudge the 90% of my code that is data access plumbing, because it is all testable, code generated and very cheap, compared to the 10% of handwritten of domain specific code.
Aspect Oriented Programming partly addresses this. It allows you to inject code into existing source/bytecode. This way you can make a task such as logging appear in its own module instead of woven into the business logic.