I have a problem producing JSON in my application.
I'm trying a tutorial about Consuming Java Restful Web Service with AngularJS. I've created a dynamic web project as my RESTful server and then added the following libraries:
- asm-3.3.1.jar
- jackson-core-asl-1.9.9.jar
- jackson-jaxrs-1.9.9.jar
- jackson-mapper-asl-1.9.9.jar
- jackson-xc-1.9.9.jar
- jersey-bundle-1.8.jar
- jersey-bundle-1.9.jar
- jersey-client-1.9.jar
- jersey-core-1.9.jar
- jersey-json-1.9.jar
- jersey-media-json-jettison-2.4.jar
- jersey-server-1.9.1.jar
- jersey-servlet-1.12.jar
- jettison-1.3.3.jar
- jsr311-api-1.1.1.jar
Here is the service :
package ws;
import java.awt.PageAttributes.MediaType;
import java.util.*;
import javax.ws.rs.*;
import javax.ws.rs.core.*;
import entities.Prospect;
public class ProspectRestful {
public List<Prospect> findAll(){
List<Prospect> result = new ArrayList<Prospect>();
result.add(new Prospect(35, "Name 35", "last35"));
result.add(new Prospect(36, "Name 36", "last36"));
return result;
But I'm getting this error:
APPLICATION_JSON cannot be resolved or is not a field.
I've seen in another question that jersey-media-json-jettison-2.4.jar should be there so I added it but no sign.
I'm sure I'm not using a Maven project, in the same tutorial they didn't use Maven either.
In my case it is not working, so if anyone facing the error then try...
It worked for me...
Remove this
and add this