How do I lock the orientation to portrait mode in

2018-12-31 17:05发布

I'm building a iPhone Web Application and want to lock the orientation to portrait mode. is this possible? Are there any web-kit extensions to do this?

Please note this is an application written in HTML and JavaScript for Mobile Safari, it is NOT a native application written in Objective-C.

2楼-- · 2018-12-31 17:35

This is a pretty hacky solution, but it's at least something(?). The idea is to use a CSS transform to rotate the contents of your page to quasi-portrait mode. Here's JavaScript (expressed in jQuery) code to get you started:

$(document).ready(function () {
  function reorient(e) {
    var portrait = (window.orientation % 180 == 0);
    $("body > div").css("-webkit-transform", !portrait ? "rotate(-90deg)" : "");
  window.onorientationchange = reorient;
  window.setTimeout(reorient, 0);

The code expects the entire contents of your page to live inside a div just inside the body element. It rotates that div 90 degrees in landscape mode - back to portrait.

Left as an exercise to the reader: the div rotates around its centerpoint, so its position will probably need to be adjusted unless it's perfectly square.

Also, there's an unappealing visual problem. When you change orientation, Safari rotates slowly, then the top-level div snaps to 90degrees different. For even more fun, add

body > div { -webkit-transition: all 1s ease-in-out; }

to your CSS. When the device rotates, then Safari does, then the content of your page does. Beguiling!

3楼-- · 2018-12-31 17:39

In coffee if anyone needs it.

    $(window).bind 'orientationchange', ->
        if window.orientation % 180 == 0
                "-webkit-transform-origin" : ''
                "-webkit-transform" : ''
            if window.orientation > 0
                    "-webkit-transform-origin" : "200px 190px"
                    "-webkit-transform" : "rotate(-90deg)"
                    "-webkit-transform-origin" : "280px 190px"
                    "-webkit-transform" : "rotate(90deg)"
4楼-- · 2018-12-31 17:40

Inspired from @Grumdrig's answer, and because some of the used instructions would not work, I suggest the following script if needed by someone else:

    $(document).ready(function () {

      function reorient(e) {
        var orientation = window.screen.orientation.type;
        $("body > div").css("-webkit-transform", (orientation == 'landscape-primary' || orientation == 'landscape-secondary') ? "rotate(-90deg)" : "");
      window.setTimeout(reorient, 0);
5楼-- · 2018-12-31 17:45
// CSS hack to prevent layout breaking in landscape
// e.g. screens larger than 320px  
html {
  width: 320px;
  overflow-x: hidden;

This, or a similar CSS solution, will at least preserve your layout if that is what you are after.

The root solution is accounting for device's capabilities rather than attempting to limit them. If the device doesn't allow you the appropriate limitation than a simple hack is your best bet since the design is essentially incomplete. The simpler the better.

6楼-- · 2018-12-31 17:45

The following code was used in our html5 game.

$(document).ready(function () {
          .bind('orientationchange', function(){
               if (window.orientation % 180 == 0){
                   $(document.body).css("-webkit-transform-origin", "")
                       .css("-webkit-transform", "");               
               else {                   
                   if ( window.orientation > 0) { //clockwise
                     $(document.body).css("-webkit-transform-origin", "200px 190px")
                       .css("-webkit-transform",  "rotate(-90deg)");  
                   else {
                     $(document.body).css("-webkit-transform-origin", "280px 190px")
                       .css("-webkit-transform",  "rotate(90deg)"); 
7楼-- · 2018-12-31 17:48

Maybe in a new future it will have an out-of-the-box soludion...

As for May 2015,

there is an experimental functionality that does that.

But it only works on Firefox 18+, IE11+, and Chrome 38+.

However, it does not work on Opera or Safari yet.

Here is the current code for the compatible browsers:

var lockOrientation = screen.lockOrientation || screen.mozLockOrientation || screen.msLockOrientation;

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