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Coming from a linux background, I'm used to the concept that everything is a file, i.e. sockets AND stdin.
This makes it easy to write a simple server/client using select(), where I include STDIN in the fdset so it'll allow me to use the terminal for input, especially for debugging.
Moving to windows however, the concept of "everything is a file" does not hold anymore. using select() for stdin (even after defining STDIN_FILENO as 0) simply doesn't work.
What's the best way to port a code using select() (for both stdin and actual sockets) to work on windows?
You really answered the question (in part) already. The rules for sockets on Windows and Linux are similar (as far as concept) but not the exactly the same.
Here is a link that discusses porting Windows to Linux.
And here is one porting Linux to Windows. (read the links in the bottom post.)