Karma/Jasmine/PhantomJs: undefined is not a constr

2019-06-25 04:29发布

I have an application that raise an odd error when I run tests. The error is the following :

TypeError: undefined is not a constructor (evaluating 'allKeys[i].match(/^[0-9]+$/)') in node_modules/jasmine-core/lib/jasmine-core/jasmine.js (line 2988)

Most of those tests passes, but a very few break. Here is one of the test that breaks:

(function () {
  'use strict';

  describe('MyAccount.core.http.response', function () {
    var ResponseInterceptor = {},
        $httpProvider = {},
        $window = {},
        env = {},
        MessageQueue = {};

    beforeEach(module('MyAccount.core.http', function (_$httpProvider_, $provide) {
      $httpProvider = _$httpProvider_;

      MessageQueue  = {
        dispatch: jasmine.createSpy('dispatch')

      $window = {
        location: {
          href: jasmine.createSpy()

      $provide.value('$window', $window);
      $provide.value('MessageQueue', MessageQueue);
    beforeEach(inject(function (_$window_, _ResponseInterceptor_, _env_) {
      $window = _$window_;
      ResponseInterceptor = _ResponseInterceptor_;
      env = _env_;

    describe('response status', function () {
      // Asserting that 404 and 403 errors are intercepted.
      angular.forEach([404, 403], function (error) {
        describe('is ' + error, function () {
          beforeEach(function () {
              status: error,
              data: {
                message: 'error ' + error

          it('calls MessageQueue.dispatch with the error message', function () {
            expect(MessageQueue.dispatch).toHaveBeenCalledWith('error ' + error, {
              on: 'global.errors'

I've been stuck on that for few hours now and can't seems to find a solution. Here are the dependencies I'm using and their versions:

  • karma: ^1.2.0
  • jasmine-core: ^2.5.0
  • karma-jasmine: ^1.0.2
  • karma-phantomjs-launcher: ^1.0.2
  • phantomjs: ^2.1.7

NOTE: This is a brand new yeoman application using the angular generator.

2楼-- · 2019-06-25 05:03

I had the same problem, but got it solved moments ago.

To repeat what I said in the comments: The error happens when you have two arrays that are equal, believe it or not. If they are unequal, you get the standard error with the differences shown.

jasmine-core 2.5.0. was published two days ago, as of this moment. I downgraded to 2.4.1., and it works.

It seems that 2.5.0. is the culprit.

Downgrade to 2.4.1., until the publisher gets it solved.

My setup: maven/frontend-maven-plugin/karma(*)/phantomJS

(*) could probably have said 'Jasmine' here as well.

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