I used someone else's code for writing a timer in SpriteKit, and tweaked it a bit. Here's what my code looks like:
- (void)createTimerWithDuration:(NSInteger)seconds position:(CGPoint)position andSize:(CGFloat)size
// Allocate/initialize the label node.
_countdownClock = [SKLabelNode labelNodeWithFontNamed:@"Avenir-Black"];
_countdownClock.fontColor = [SKColor blackColor];
_countdownClock.position = position;
_countdownClock.horizontalAlignmentMode = SKLabelHorizontalAlignmentModeLeft;
_countdownClock.fontSize = size;
[self addChild:_countdownClock];
// Initialize the countdown variable.
_countdown = seconds;
// Define the actions.
SKAction *updateLabel = [SKAction runBlock:^{
_countdownClock.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Time Left: 0:%lu", (unsigned long)_countdown];
SKAction *wait = [SKAction waitForDuration:1.0];
// Create a combined action.
SKAction *updateLabelAndWait = [SKAction sequence:@[updateLabel, wait]];
// Run action "seconds" number of times and then set the label to indicate the countdown has ended.
[self runAction:[SKAction repeatAction:updateLabelAndWait count:seconds] completion:^{
_countdownClock.text = @"GAME OVER!";
_gameOver = YES;
[self runAction:_gameOverSound];
What I want to happen, is when a certain block of code is run (which I've taken care of by myself), I want to add 10 seconds to the timer.
I tried doing this, already, by adding a constant instance variable called _countTime
to hold 60 seconds initially. In the -init method, I called [self createTimerWithDuration:_countTime position:_centerOfScreen andSize:24];
Inside this function, I would decrease the _countTime
every time the "seconds" would decrease – in other words, every second, the _countTime
would decrease. When I had the block run, the block to add 10 seconds to the time, I would remove the _countdownClock
, add 10 seconds to the _countTime
, and finally call createTimerWithDuration:position:andSize:
again, with the update _countTime
But this did't seem to work for me. I figured it would work fairly well. It did add 10 seconds to the time, exactly like I wanted it to, but the timer would start going down by threes. It would wait a second, then 15-14-12 BAM! Then wait a second, then 11-10-9 BAM! And so on.
So what's going on here? Was this the right approach? Is there a better way for me to increase the time, or (better yet!) a better way to create a timer, that has a function like this?
I believe the issue is because you are running the action on "self". Your old action is not getting removed and it is still removing time every second. Try this...
I assume you are removing the old label before you called that again otherwise you would get some really odd looking text. When you remove
form its parent it should also remove the action and it won't keep decreasing the time and should fix your issue.Hopefully that helps.