I've been using the following method to retrieve all video IDs, titles, and default thumbnail images contained within a specific YouTube playlist for use in a dynamic playlist carousel (The IDs are then passed to an array which is used to dynamically create a thumbnail carousel. Note the 'playlist' variable is defined via an externalized XML value):
// Get YouTube Playlist values
var playListURL = 'http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/playlists/' + playlist + '?v=2&alt=json&callback=?';
var videoURL = 'http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=';
$.getJSON(playListURL, function(data) {
var list_data = "";
$.each(data.feed.entry, function(i, item) {
var feedTitle = item.title.$t;
var feedURL = item.link[1].href;
var fragments = feedURL.split("/");
var videoID = fragments[fragments.length - 2];
var thumb = ""+ videoID +"/sddefault.jpg";
if (videoID !='videos') {
YouTube has depricated the v1-2 APIs and the method is longer working. Does the YouTube API v3 provide an equivalent method? Specifically replacing the call:
var playListURL = 'http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/playlists/' + playlist + '?v=2&alt=json&callback=?';
You will need to switch to the new PlaylistItems/list endpoint to get video information from a playlist.
Response (for
id= PLCJLiJ8uSJrCpxwz4lmnz1NvvF2SzXbhk
value for each object in theitems
array should be thevideoId
value that you want.