I'm new to Spring AOP (and AOP in general), need to implement the following:
@HasPermission(operation=SecurityOperation.ACTIVITY_EDIT, object="#act")
public Activity updateActivity(Activity act)
@HasPermission is my custom annotation, which will be used to mark all methods requiring pre-authorization. I'm using my custom implementation of security checks based on Apache Shiro. Generally, I guess that I will need to define pointcut which matches all annotated methods and also provide implementation of the aspect (either before or around).
Questions I have are re. aspect implementation.
- How do I extract operation and object parameters from the annotation?
- How can I resolve SpEL expression in object definition and get object passed as 'act' parameter?
I know it's a late answer but after we were migrating some JavaEE project to Spring we made some basic security model based on AspectJ:
Firstly we annotate our service methods with custom @OperationAuthorization :
Then we have a class with @Aspect & @Component annotations which intercepts methods with specific annotations:
In AuthorizationService a method with all arguments are passed. Check whether the client is authorized to get user groups. If it's not: throw our Exception and method stops.