If I call the function:
browser.driver.manage().window().setSize(1000, 1000);
It sets my window size to 1000x1000 and my inner window/viewport size to 990x918. By inner window size, I mean the portion of the window that actually contains the content, not including window borders or tabs, for example. In this case, I have a 5px border on each side, and then 82px worth of url and tab bars that I would like to account for.
I'd like to set the inner window size so that I dont need to potentially account specifically for the machine running the tests, should it happen to have an extra toolbar for example.
Is there a protractor command for setting the size of the actual inner, content-filled portion of the window?
As based on the answer below, I added this to the onPrepare section of my conf:
protractor.setViewportSize = function(width, height){
const JS_GET_PADDING = "return {"
+ "w: window.outerWidth - window.innerWidth,"
+ "h: window.outerHeight - window.innerHeight };";
browser.manage().window().setSize(width + pad.w, height + pad.h);
And in the test, I call something like:
protactor.setViewportSize(1440, 1000);
I don't think that there's any build-in method to resize the viewport to a given size. However it can be done by setting an outter size that will match the targeted inner size: