I am able to create .mpx file by using mpxj library in java.
I need write ( create ) .mpp file in java can any one suggest me please.
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Visit http://mpxj.sourceforge.net/faq.html
Can I use MPXJ to write MPP files?
You can
Try this: http://www.aspose.com/java/project-management-component.aspx
It writes MPP and Microsoft Project XML.
But this not free
I think by "mpp" you probably mean "Microsoft PowerPoint", correct?
Q: Why do you think MPXJ (Microsoft Project Exchange/Java) can't do this?
Try this: http://www.aspose.com/java/project-management-component.aspx
It writes MPP and Microsoft Project XML.
I maintain MPXJ, and the short answer to your enquiry is that, at present, MPXJ does not write MPP files.
The main reason for this is simply that despite the effort which has gone into understanding the MPP file structure, there is still a great deal of it which is not well understood, hence it is difficult to reliably generate. The other issue is that even if I was to produce some code which could generate an MPP file, the features it could write to that file are likely to lag behind what MPXJ supports in the MSPDI file format, again due to my incomplete understanding of the MPP format.
My suspicion is that the next version of MS project (project 15? Project 2013?) may probably offer a ".mppx" file format, similar to the ".docx" etc formats used by other applications in the MS Office suite. This will be XML-based and will be more straightforward to generate than the binary MPP file format currently is... let's see what Microsoft come up with!