Here is a simple Prolog program to exhibit a problem that I currently have with my real code.
I am trying to write a Brainf*ck interpreter in Prolog, but it is not returning the right Output
I am running bf("+.", Output)
Expected Return - Output = [1]
Actual Return - Output = []
looses its value when it returns to iterateProg(Prog,Output)
in bf2
Program is as follows:
iterateProg([],_):- !.
iterateProg(Prog, Output):-
checkInstruction(Prog,Output, NewProg, NewOutput),
iterateProg(NewProg, NewOutput).
%increase memory by 1 for printing later.
checkInstruction([Period|ProgTail], Output, ProgTail, NewOutput):-
%take the value in memory from addition just now, we will assume it is 1
Your predicate
bf2(Prog, Output)
has the meaning of: this programProg
correspond with this outputOutput
- so theOutput
in thebf2
predicate and also initerateProg
should contains the full output.So in
predicate, the first 2 arguments should contain the full program and the full output, and the last 2 arguments should contain the partial program and the corresponding partial output.Therefore, you should append the
, to produce the final output inOutput
for the second rule ofcheckInstruction
predicate. You should rename theNew...
with a different name - since it is actually the partial/"tail" program and corresponding output.Note the order (I was inaccurate in the comment).
is the output for the current instruction, and it should precede the output of the instruction inProgTail
.By the way,
predicate is unnecessary - since it calliterateProg
predicate with exact same arguments.Another thing is
should beiterateProg([],[])
since an empty program should correspond with empty output. (The converse is not true, so you should never put a cut!
here, if you have learned about it).