I have a huge data set and I have to compute for every point of it a series of properties. My code is really slow and I would like to make it faster parallelizing somehow the do loop. I would like each processor to compute the "series of properties" for a limited subsample of my data and then join all the properties together in one array. I'll try explain what I have to do with an example.
Let's say that my data set is the array x
x = linspace(0,20,10000)
The "property" I want to get is, for instance, the square root of x
for i in arange(0,len(x)):
The question is how can I parallelize the above loop? Let's assume I have 4 processor and I would like each of them to compute the sqrt of 10000/4=2500 points.
I tried looking at some python modules like multiprocessing
and mpi4py
but from the guides I couldn't find the answer to such a simple question.
I'll thank you all for the precious comments and links you provided me. However, I would like to clarify my question. I'm not interested in the sqrt
function whatsoever.
I am doing a series of operations within a loop. I perfectly know loops are bad and vectorial operation are always preferable to them but in this case I really have to do a loop. I won't go into the details of my problem because this would add an unnecessary complication to this question.
I would like to split my loop so that each processor does a part of it, meaning that I could run my code 40 times with 1/40 of the loop each and the merger the result but this would be stupid.
This is a brief example
for i in arange(0,len(x)):
# do some complicated stuff
What I want is use 40 cpus to do this:
for npcu in arange(0,40):
for i in arange(len(x)/40*ncpu,len(x)/40*(ncpu+1)):
# do some complicated stuff
Is that possible or not with python?
I would suggest that you take a look at cython: http://www.cython.org/
It enables you to create c extension for python really quickly, and integrates very well with numpy. Here is a nice tutorial which may help you get started: http://docs.cython.org/src/tutorial/numpy.html
I'm not sure that this is the way that you should do things as I'd expect numpy to have a much more efficient method of going about it, but do you just mean something like this?
Here are the results of
on both solutions. As @SvenMarcach points out, however, with a more expensive function multiprocessing will start to be much more effective.At Sven's request, here is the result of
l = numpy.sqrt(x)
which is significantly faster than either of the alternatives.Parallelizing is not trivial, however you might find numexpr useful.
For numerical work, you really should look into the utilities numpy gives you (vectorize and similar), these give you usually a good speedup as a basis to work on.
For more complicated, non-numerical cases, you may use
(see comments).On a sidenote, multithreading is even more non-trivial with python than with other languages, is that CPython has the Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) which disallows two sections of python code to run in the same interpreter at the same time (i.e. there is no real multithreaded pure python code). For I/O and heavy calculations, third party libraries however tend to release that lock, so that limited multithreading is possible.
This adds to the usual multithreading nuisances of having to mutex shared data accesses and similar.