I want to combine my deferred renderer and forward renderer together. In order to share the same depth buffer, I use a single frame buffer object with 4 color attachments, COLOR_ATTACHMENT0-2 for G-buffer rendering, COLOR_ATTACHMENT3 for deferred shading and forward rendering, here's the pesudo code:
//**Gbufffer part**
Bind G-Buffer FBO
draw the G buffer
//**Lighting part**
Bind Lighting buffer FBO
//**Shading part**
Bind G-Buffer FBO
//**Forward rendring part**
//Still use the G-Buffer FBO and COLOR_ATTACHMENT3
draw forward material
when using this, I got a mistake in firefox:
Error: WebGL: drawBuffers: buffers[i]
when lauching in Chrome, I got this:
FrameBufferObject.ts:151 WebGL: INVALID_OPERATION: drawBuffers: COLOR_ATTACHMENTi_EXT or NONE
What's wrong with my code? This really confuse me...THX.
If I remember correctly you must use color attachment 0 for the first buffer, color attachment 1 for the second, color attachment 2 for the 3rd etc..
In otherwords this is ok
This is also ok
This is not!!
So in your case.
The must always match 0 to 0, 1 to 1, 2 to 2, etc.
If that's really what you're doing you should make 3 framebuffer objects. One with the first 3 buffers, one with the 4th buffer, and one with all 4 buffers. Then you'd do something like
In edition to that, various combos are not guaranteed to work. It's unclear what the limits are in WebGL2 but in WebGL1 only these combinations are guaranteed to work
one color attachment (with or without depth or depth_stencil)
two color attachments (with or without depth or depth_stencil)
three color attachments (with or without depth or depth_stencil)
four color attachments (with or without depth or depth_stencil)
All other combinations may or may not work depending on the GPU/Driver/Browser/OS
I would not be surprised if your actual code is slightly different from what you are posting here.
Take a look at the Firefox sources for WebGLContext::DrawBuffers over at https://dxr.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/source/dom/canvas/WebGLContextFramebufferOperations.cpp:
Your code is failing that check. Maybe you've got the order mixed up?
[Edit] As gman points out, your second call to drawbuffers,
, doesn't comply with this validation [/Edit]