I am creating a setup file using Inno Setup where I need to register unknown number of .net dlls using regasm.exe file. I know that I can use the following code to register .net dll.
Filename: "{dotnet20}\RegAsm.exe"; Parameters: /codebase MyDLL.dll; WorkingDir: {app}; StatusMsg: "Registering Controls."; Flags: runminimized
My problem is, there are more than one dlls in the folder and I don't know the name of each dll to be registered. Is there a way where I can loop through the files in the folder and register each one of them without knowing the number of files and their names?
Please help, Thanks
I cannot find any flag which would register them for you e.g. from the
section, so I wrote this script, which should iterate all the *.dll files in the specified folder and for each call the registration tool command line. Please note, that I haven't tested this script, and I'm not sure about the used command line with its parameters, but the basic idea should be there: