I am using Kafka version 0.8.2. In the middle of development I thought I might need to delete a topic. So what I did is I put the following line in the server configuration files and started two kafka servers.
When I needed to delete a topic and I ran following command,
bin/kafka-topics.sh --zookeeper localhost:2181 --delete --topic MyTopic
Right now its already 17 hours since when I ran delete topic command but Kafka is still showing me the topic is marked for deletion. Is it a bug of Kafka or I am doing something wrong here? Because it doesn't seem normal to me. Can someone clarify in this regard?
[N.B.: I have already read this thread. But couldn't find my answer there.]
AFAIK it is not possible to delete kafka topic if you previously had
. You can change this value, but it does not affect currently available topics. So, you can try to delete it manually.You can go to the log folder location and manually delete the files concerning the topic you want to delete.