I make my first backbone app and get some problems with collection sorting. After using this
var SortedFriends = MyFriends.sortBy(function(friend) {
return friend.get("uid");
console.log(SortedFriends) show that SortedFriends contains sorted models, but when i try to use collection functions like 'SortedFriends.each' or 'SortedFriends.at' it make error:
TypeError: SortedFriends.each is not a function.
var Friend = Backbone.Model.extend({});
var Friends = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: Friend,
var MyFriends = new Friends();
var FriendView = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize: function(){
tagName: "tr",
template: _.template($('#item-template').html()),
className: "document-row",
render: function() {
return this;
var SortedFriends = MyFriends.sortBy(function(friend) {
return friend.get("uid");
var addOne = function(element){
var view = new FriendView({model: element});
var view = new FriendView({model: friend});
I'm not sure if it's a bug or a feature of Backbone's adaptation of
, but apparently it returns an array, not an Underscore collection.One workaround is to wrap the whole thing in
_( ... )
, which tells Underscore to wrap the array back into a collection:Edit
Most of the Underscore methods in Backbone seem to be chainable (replace
, for example, and it runs). Looking at the Backbone source where they wire up the Underscore proxies, it seems thatsortBy
is treated differently. I can't understand why they do it this way ...If youre using backbone collections then youre probably better off using the
rather than collection methodshttp://backbonejs.org/#Collection-comparator
When youre ready to sort your collection:
OR if you want to keep the order of the unsorted collection then you will need to clone it first