I need to create a function that returns a table of continuous dates. I would pass in a min & max date.
I expect it to be able to be called like this:
SELECT * FROM GetDates('01/01/2009', '12/31/2009')
I currently have a stored proc that does this, but requirements changed and now I need to do include the returned data from within a union:
with mycte as
select cast(@minDate as datetime) DateValue
union all
select DateValue + 1
from mycte
where DateValue + 1 <= @maxDate
select DateValue
from mycte
option (maxrecursion 1000)
The problem, however, is that I need to set the recursion to be greater than 100. According to a post by Gail Erickson [MS] on eggheadcafe, this is not currently supported.
Without creating a real (not temporary) table with just date in it, is there a way to do this?
I am using SqlServer2005.
Your best option is to actually have a physical table of dates. There aren't that many for even long periods, and will be much faster than materializing them on-the-fly from temp tables or recursive ctes.
If you choose to (or need to) go with an ad-hoc table and not a permanent one, this would do it:
And a testing call:
Wierd--this is the third SO post today that involved Tally tables. Must be some odd sunspot activity going on. Here are the linkes:
count number of rows that occur for each date in column date range.
What is the best way to create and populate a numbers table?
something like this:
make sure @EndDate is after @startdate... Add input parameter checking to makes sure, or it could run forever if you pass it dates backwards