My Original code is :
private String hello;
private int i = 0;
public void test() {
if (i == 0) {
hello = "asdas";
} else {
hello = "asasvfasfas";
After Obfuscating with proguard :
private String a;
private int c = 0;
public void a()
if (this.c == 0);
for (this.a = "asdas"; ; this.a = "asasvfasfas")
In project properties :
My proguard-project.txt file is empty, so I guess it should be using the default config file : proguard-android.txt.
Why it is behaving like this? How can I prevent this kind of code optimization? Please help.
Because your code is only that fragment you entered, I assume, your code will be easily optimized into this:
The Proguard just doesn't remove your original but unreachable source lines, just puts them into unreachable places. It is converting your code into equivalent but not-so human friendly format.
So, the generated code works as yours, it is just obfuscated. If you don't like it, don't use obfuscators.