I am running into what to me seems like a simple issue, but I can't figure out what I am doing wrong. In my app users can add their course through a simple form_for. They can enter a start_time and end_time for the course's lectures, like so:
<div class="field">
Start Time<br />
<%= time_select :course, :start_time, { :minute_step => 5, :ampm => true } %>
<div class="field">
End Time<br />
<%= time_select :course, :end_time, { :minute_step => 5, :ampm => true } %>
I configured my time zone in application.rb to be set to Eastern Time and this seems to work correctly as created_at is returned in the right time zone.
However, the problem I am encountering is that start_time and end_time are entered as UTC into the database. So when a user selects a class to start at 10 AM it is entered as 10 UTC not 10 AM EST / 15:00 UTC. What am I missing here? It seems like what I want to happen should be possible.
I was struggling with the same problem. But then I realized I didn't need the timezone information of the Time object.
As you said, the database stores it as UTC, but the really important thing we need to do with this data is:
This is timezone independent. (8 hours is 8 hours from midnight, no matter what midnight you're comparing. 30 minutes is 30 minutes from the minute 0 of the hour. No matter in what timezone is that hour you're using).
So in most applications where the need of a Time storage structure is required, like to know when a recurrent event starts or finish, to store the value of a timer, or a the time of a lap in a race, you can use the UTC Time the database returns with no problem.
Summarizing the answer from the comments in order to remove this question from the "Unanswered" filter:
Suggested by Tim Brandes:
Solution that worked for Philip V: