QWebException: “'NoneType' object is not c

2019-06-22 13:08发布

im facing a problem in qweb report, i followed this tutorial http://blog.emiprotechnologies.com/create-qweb-report-odoo/ to create qweb report, it worked fine with the static data of my current module, but when i try to create a parser class for dynamic data, i get this error " QWebException: "'NoneType' object is not callable" while evaluating " here it's my python class :

from openerp.osv import osv
from openerp.report import report_sxw

class etudiant_report_parser(report_sxw.rml_parse):
   def __init__(self, cr, uid, name, context): 
    super(etudiant_report_parser, self).__init__(cr, uid, name, context=context)
            'hello_world': self.hello_world,
    self.context = context

   def hello_world(self):
    return "hello"

class etudiant_object_report(osv.AbstractModel):
 _name = 'report.gestion_des_etudiants.etudiant_report'
 _inherit = 'report.abstract_report'
 _template = 'gestion_des_etudiants.etudiant_report'
 _wrapped_report_class = etudiant_report_parser

And in my xml file etudiant_report.xml I added this line :

<span t-esc=”hello_world()”/>

But when I print the report I get the error :

QWebException: "'NoneType' object is not callable" while evaluating 

Here it's the arborescence of my module :

/report/init.py <--- to load the etudiant_report.xml which contains the parser class

/report/etudiant_report.py <--- ...contains the parser class

/views/report_etudiant.xml <--- the xml file for the report




etudiant_report.xml <--- the menu of the report


Another thing I noticed, when I go into the folder " report " I don't find any .pyc file, for init.py and etudiant_report.py

2楼-- · 2019-06-22 13:51

In order to call a custom method from the model you can do followings.

Define the method in your model

def mymethod(self):
    return "mymethod"

And then call the method from the qweb. here is the sample code of the qweb which is calling the custom method from the model.

<template id="th_custom_report">
    <t t-call="report.html_container">
        <t t-foreach="docs" t-as="o">
            <t t-call="th_dynamic_report.th_report_id" t-lang="o.partner_id.lang"/>

<template id="th_report_id">
    <t t-call="report.external_layout">
        <t t-set="o" t-value="o.with_context({'lang':o.partner_id.lang})" />
            <span t-esc="o.mymethod()"/>

It will help you!

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