When trying to call Close or Dispose on an SqlDataReader i get a timeout expired exception. If you have a DbConnection to SQL Server, you can reproduce it yourself with:
String CRLF = "\r\n";
String sql =
"SELECT * " + CRLF +
"FROM (" + CRLF +
" SELECT (a.Number * 256) + b.Number AS Number" + CRLF +
" FROM master..spt_values a," + CRLF +
" master..spt_values b" + CRLF +
" WHERE a.Type = 'p'" + CRLF +
" AND b.Type = 'p') Numbers1" + CRLF +
" SELECT (print("code sample");a.Number * 256) + b.Number AS Number" + CRLF +
" FROM master..spt_values a," + CRLF +
" master..spt_values b" + CRLF +
" WHERE a.Type = 'p'" + CRLF +
" AND b.Type = 'p') Numbers2" + CRLF +
" ON 1=1";
DbCommand cmd = connection.CreateCommand();
cmd.CommandText = sql;
DbDataReader rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
If you call reader.Close() or reader.Dispose() it will throw a System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException:
- ErrorCode: -2146232060 (0x80131904)
- Message: "Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding."
Where do you actually read the data? You're just creating a reader, but not reading Data. It's just a guess but maybe the reader has problems to close if you're not reading ;)
it's because you have just opened the data reader and have not completely iterated through it yet. you will need to .Cancel() your DbCommand object before you attempt to close a data reader that hasn't completed yet (and the DbConnection as well). of course, by .Cancel()-ing your DbCommand, I'm not sure of this but you might encounter some other exception. but you should just catch it if it happens.
Cruizer had the answer: call command.Cancel():
It is also helpful to know that you can call Cancel even if the reader has already read all the rows (i.e. it doesn't throw some "nothing to cancel" exception.)