What are the causes for the the error NetworkError: 405 Method Not Allowed
I was using a web service and all of a sudden it started returning that error. its not maintained so it will not get fixed. I am curious if i can do something about this.
The offending web service url is: http://jsonpdb.appspot.com/add
The method (GET/POST/HEAD etc) you're trying to use on that URL is not supported by the app. Are you sure the API expects you to use the method you're using on that URL?
Most common cause is using the wrong 'get' vs 'post' for the response. Verify what's being sent and that the correct method appears in the your handler.
Another common issue is having the main dispatch section parse urls, but then not supply them in the get/post/delete
The regex there has
in it... that's a parameter in the url path like:/upload/filename
Supplying a link to code would be helpful.
I know this is an old thread but I did not find a satisfactory answer to the question for my own needs. Especially if you're handling an AJAX response, you may want to explicitly allow OPTIONS requests by checking for them in the dispatch of your custom WebApp2 handler: