I have a stored procedure that returns two selects, which I use in a report. The first select is data to display in tabular format and the second are metadata to display in the report head, like showed below:
@Input INT
--Get #Metadata
-- #Results = f(#Metadata) … compex calculation
SELECT * FROM #Results
SELECT * FROM #Metadata
As the sproc calculation is quite intensive, I would like to prepare the report lines as plain data (in two tables: PrecalcResults and PrecalcMetadata) for some mostly used sproc parameters overnight. Lather I would directly select the precalculated vaues or calculate them with the sproc according to the parameters.
For maintenance reasons I would like to use the same sproc to calculate data that would be: 1. showed in the report 2. be stored in PrecalcResults and PrecalcMetadata (with the used parameters)
If I would have single select sproc I would an approach desctibed here: Insert results of a stored procedure into a temporary table
As I have multiselect sproc I would like to do something like above but with two tables. In .net I would do DataSet.Tables[0] and DataSet.Tables[1]..., but I want to do it in tsql, to run it in daily job.
Is this even possible in MS SQL?
I have to apologize myself, from the answer below I can see I was not very clear. I would like to do implement this functionality as pure TSQL.
Yes, this is possible.
It's perfectly fine to return multiple result sets from a single stored procedure as you have suggested.
Your only potential issue is the limitation of a
being able to pull both result sets from the stored procedure, but there's a very simple work-around for that issue.