Frequently when we introduce a new feature into an application we may produce artifacts, such as useful methods or classes that could be reused in other areas of our applications. These artifacts are not necessarily documented as functional requirements as they are usually a side-effect of our implementation choices. Since we often develop in teams, it is important to share these pieces of code to prevent rework and duplication.
- Utility methods and classes
- A Base class
- An Interface
- A GUI control
What have you found to be the most effective way of sharing these artifacts?
How do you convey the assumptions you made when you created them?
How do you ensure they are consumed correctly?
I am interested in best practices and proven techniques around documentation, code diagrams, meetings(?) to ensure code is reused correctly.
This question is very similar to: Finding Reusable code but I'm interested in a more proactive than reactive approach.
Test your preconditions with asserts.
Besides that, think of some unit tests to check that your code is robust enough to deal with uncommon or unintended situations.
For the rest, make sure that everyone actually understand what the code does, at least on a black-box level. Have a short meeting with a whiteboard and do a little pair programming once people have to start out using code that's new to them.
Use SOLID and keep your code clean. Check:
If you see something that's likely to be implemented, ask to the team. Always keep in mind your knowledge of previous projects, if you know project x has that feature then start from there ;)
Reuse is important and avoiding duplication too, specially when you are in the Same product / maybe even subsystem. Its important to always look for it, but don't let that get in the way of progress in the projects.
We're a .Net team, so this worked for us...
We created our own class library for functions that we think will be commonly used. Things like calculating a Luhn Mod 3 check digit, creating a regex to validate a an address that will fit into a database field that is n characters, etc. The trick is being able to recognize code that is likely to be reused and get it in there. And keep it organized.
We are a Java development team and the same applies to us. We created utility projects in our SVN under various headings e.g. XML parsing, Vector processing and the reusable code is checked into these utility libraries and reused in other projects.
Our team has a number of helpful libraries that we use throughout our development. These libraries are kept in a common repository in sort of an "open-source" methodology. There is one person who oversees each library (or multiple libraries) and developers can submit patches.
The libraries are then released/built to a common location (we deploy to a web server) where people can then download them and use them in whatever project they would like. So far, it has worked pretty well. The only thing we have to watch out for is, if there is an API change, we must make sure we make sure everybody realizes this. We do this through version numbers and through information on our library wiki.
Edit: In addition, we publish the generated docs for our libraries (Javadoc, Crystal Report, whatever) so that developers can utilize those.
Check out a book on best practices in your programming language. Apply them and see what works and adapt accordingly. Basically a good, clean and concise interface/api goes a long way. Also write lots of unit tests to cover different kind of functionality. Also take a look at built in libraries in your language/platform or look for good examples of libraries and see how their interfaces are.