Outlook strips URL hash from email

2019-06-21 23:06发布

Our app generates an email that includes a link with a hash fragment.

  • When an Outlook 2010 user clicks the HTML link (within the <a> tag), the URL is opened but mysteriously excludes the hash fragment.
  • If the user clicks the plain URL (that Outlook converts to a clickable link), the full URL opens correctly.

Here is the relevant code from our Rails app, if that helps:

mail(from: @message.from, to: @message.to, cc: @message.cc, bcc: @message.bcc, subject: @message.subject) do |format|
  format.html { render text: @message.body_text }

Email message (truncated; using Twitter URLs in place of our app URLs, which follow a similar pattern):

Subject: Hello
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/html;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

    <meta content='text/html; charset=utf-8' http-equiv='content-type'>
    <table id='message_body_template'>
          <p><a href="http://twitter.com/#!/cnn" title="" target="">Click here</a> 
             to learn more.</p>
          <p>Plain text link: http://twitter.com/#!/cnn</p>

Click here opens the Twitter home page, while the plain text "link" opens CNN's Twitter page. Can anyone explain why?

2楼-- · 2019-06-21 23:06

Yes, the problem is unrelated to what back-end you use. It appears that (frustratingly) some versions of Outlook strip the hash portion of URLs.

My solution was to email a modified version of the link without the hash, and then redirect it to where it's supposed to go.

When I had the same issue in Laravel + Backbone I performed the redirect using this code in routes.php (equivalent to routes.rb in Rails):

// Redirect /password-reset/XYZ to #/password-reset/XYZ
Route::get('/password-reset/{any}', function() {
    $url = Request::url();         // Get full URL
    $path = Request::path();       // Get portion of URL after the domain name
    return Redirect::to(str_replace($path, "#", $url) . $path);
3楼-- · 2019-06-21 23:24

Recently I had faced this issue, when I set the URL without any protocol. Later I tried adding the protocol to the URL and it began working properly.

I was creating the mail body part in the JS itself. Below is the initial code.

var link = window.location.host+'/#/somepage';

The working code.

var link = window.location.protocol + '//' + window.location.host+'/#/somepage';

I hope this may help someone, who face the similar issue.

4楼-- · 2019-06-21 23:29

You won't be able to change how Outlook handles the link, but you can simply use https://twitter.com/cnn and twitter will then redirect to https://twitter.com/#!/cnn

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