Is there an ActivityIndicator (or something like it) in WatchKit for Apple Watch? How do you all give the user feedback about some longer lasting background activity?
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In my opinion, trying to create your own Spinner is using excessive resources. If Apple thought it was a good idea, they would have suggested it.
I would instead just have an Image that you adjust the Alpha. Use a boolean to see if you should be adding or subtracting Alpha.
Just to add to the options, I've created a
project on GitHub that lets you generate your own image sequences: also includes Apple-like activity indicator animations if you don't want to create your own.
I built a simple activity indicator for the Apple Watch, available here
There is no method for displaying ActivityIndicator in WatchKit Framework. However you can prepare some circular image and easily create infinite animation yourself. Prepare images and name them like this
frame-0, frame-1, frame-2...frame-n
and then in your code:
Hope this helps.
Edit: This answer was originally posted prior to the introduction of Apple Watch models with cellular and wifi connectivity, and thus may no longer apply on newer models of the device (considering significant performance improvements).
This thread on the Apple Developer forums has an authoritative answer from an Apple engineer about why you shouldn't be performing network operations with Apple Watch.
There are two big reasons not to perform networking operations from your watch app / extension:
Users are interacting with their watches for only a brief period of time. See the Human Interface guidelines on this one.
The system may deadlock if the network request does not complete.
That being said. If you really need a UIActivityIndicator, rdar://19363748 (I don't think this one has been open radar-ed yet), developers have already filed requests for official support.
You can create a series of images in the activity indicator style of your choice and then animate them using the
API. See Apple's Lister app for an example of wkinterfaceimage animation.Alternatively, look here for a WatchKit Animation tutorial and included "spinner" graphics.