In Ruby 1.8 and earlier,
is a constant (a Class, a Module, or another constant). Whereas
is a variable. The key difference is as follows:
module Foo
bar = 7
BAZ = 8
# => 8
# NoMethodError: undefined method 'bar' for Foo:Module
That's all well and good, but Ruby 1.9 allows UTF-8 source code. So is ℃
"uppercase" or "lowecase" as far as this is concerned? What about ⊂
(strict subset) or Ɖfoo
Is there a general rule?
Ruby-core is already considering some of the mathematical operators. For example
module Kernel
def √(num)
def ∑(*args)
would allow
x = √2
y = ∑(1, 45, ...)
I would love to see
my_proc = λ { |...| ... }
x ∈ my_enumerable # same as my_enumerable.include?(x)
my_infinite_range = (1..∞)
return 'foo' if x ≠ y
2.21 ≈ 2.2
I don't know what ruby would do if you used extended UTF8 characters as identifiers in your source code, but I know what I would do, which would be to slap you upside the back of the head and tell you DON'T DO THAT
I can't get IRB to accept UTF-8 characters, so I used a test script (
)."λ" works fine as a variable name:
"λ" also works fine as a method name:
It doesn't work as a constant, though:
Nor does the capitalized version:
My suspicion is that constant names must start with a capital ASCII letter (must match
).I would love to see someone trying to type that program on an English keyboard :P
In Ruby 1.9.2-p0 (YARV) the result is the same as in the original post (i.e., Foo::bar #=> # NoMethodError: undefined method 'bar' for Foo:Module). Also, letters with accent are unfortunately not considered as being upper nor lower and related methods produce no result.
OK, my joking answer didn't go down so well.
This mailing list question, with answer from Matz indicates that Ruby 1.9's built in
methods will only handle ASCII characters.Without testing it myself, I would see this as strong evidence that all non-ascii characters in source code will likely be considered lowercase.
Can someone download and compile the latest 1.9 and see?