I've searched for hours looking for the answer to this question which seems frustratingly simple...
I have a bash script which I've simplified to find the line that's stopping it from working and am left with:
sed -i -e "s/<link>/\n/g" /usb/lenny/rss/tmp/rss.tmp
If I run this script, nothing happens to the file rss.tmp - but if I call this exact same sed command from the terminal, it makes all the replacements as expected.
Anyone have any idea what I'm doing wrong here?
Based on the discussion the issue sounds like it is a cygwin shell problem. The issue is that shell scripts may not have \r\n line terminations - they need \n terminations. Earlier versions of cygwin behaved differently. The relevant section from a Cygwin FAQ at http://cs.nyu.edu/~yap/prog/cygwin/FAQs.html
to feed a file to the command you use "<", while to make a file u use ">" and sed is used as text formater not editor as far as i know maybe something like this should work
cat gets the file and with sed editing it and ouput goes to rssedit.tmp
than check if rssedit.tmp has what u wanted
if it does and only if it does
next line of the your skript should be
which will replace made 1 with original, with renameing to original
You need to give an output file or the result will be only shown on the screen.
Try using that instead: