I am trying to upload a document from my local machine using the Copy.asmx webservice, the CopyIntoItems method. I can successfully upload the document and a DateTime property but I cannot update a lookup property of the document library. I am using MOSS 2007 with sp2
The code I am using is shown below:
string[] destinationUrls = { Uri.EscapeUriString(destinationUrl) };
CopySharepointService.FieldInformation dateInformation = new CopySharepointService.FieldInformation();
dateInformation.DisplayName = "Date";
dateInformation.Type = CopySharepointService.FieldType.DateTime;
dateInformation.Value = DateTime.Today.ToString();
CopySharepointService.FieldInformation fundInformation = new CopySharepointService.FieldInformation();
fundInformation.DisplayName = "Fund";
fundInformation.Type = CopySharepointService.FieldType.Lookup;
fundInformation.Id = new Guid(fundGuidItem); // This is the GUID of the field being updated in the document library
fundInformation.Value = "1";
CopySharepointService.FieldInformation[] info = { dateInformation, fundInformation };
CopySharepointService.CopyResult[] result;
CopySharepointService.CopySoapClient CopyService2007 = new CopySoapClient("CopySoap");
CopyService2007.ClientCredentials.Windows.ClientCredential = CredentialCache.DefaultNetworkCredentials;
CopyService2007.CopyIntoItems(destinationUrl, destinationUrls, info, fileData, out result);
The document is successfully uploaded but the lookup field is not updated
Can anyone please help?
I just found this thread:
"Unfortunately, the CopyIntoItems will not put information into fields of "File", "Computed" or "Lookup" types. The web service uses the SPCopy class's CopyIntoItem which makes a call to a private method called FieldShouldBeCopiedTo. This method contains the logic prventing Lookup fields from being copied."
I hate SharePoint sometimes.
No way to do it guys; the only alternative is to reconnect, get the list item itself and update the metadata that way. Remember: Lookup fields need to use the format of
- so if you if were if the data was:Use
in the Xml Batch Update.Unfortunately, you have to follow up with an UpdateListItems call to set all the "fun" metadata.
From the example in the link: