I am looking for someone who knows how to interface Pharo Smalltalk and mySql. I just want to do the basic things like "select * from names" and then read the result into Pharo.
Does anyone know anything about this? If you have a screen video that would be super and I would buy you a beer.
Check out DBXTalk. Mariano Peck gave a presentation on it at ESUG 2011. Here's the abstract and video. I'll take a Blue Moon, please ;-)
And what do I get? ;) Now, really, let us know if you have any problem. There are more videos ans slides in: http://dbxtalk.smallworks.com.ar/media/.
Your scenario is pretty simple. You will need to install the MySQL client library and OpenDBX library. If it is in linux it is easy to install and compile. In windows, you can get directly the dlls. Check because all info should be in the website.