I have sitecore pages / lucene documents with the following fields:
- Title
- Filename
- Content
- File Contents
I'm creating a search for these and have the following requirements:
- Hits containing the whole phrase in the title field should be returned first.
- Hits containing the whole phrase in the filename field should be returned second.
- Hits containing the whole phrase in the content should be returned third
- Hits containing the whole phrase in the file contents should be returned fourth
- Hits containing all of the keywords (in any order) in the title field should be returned fifth
- Hits containing all of the keywords (in any order) in the filename field should be returned sixth
- Hits containing all of the keywords (in any order) in the content should be returned seventh.
- Hits containing all of the keywords (in any order) in the file contents should be returned eighth.
Here is what I've got:
public static Expression<Func<T, bool>> GetSearchTermPredicate<T>(string searchTerm)
where T : ISearchableItem
var actualPhrasePredicate = PredicateBuilder.True<T>()
.Or(r => r.Title.Contains(searchTerm).Boost(2f))
.Or(r => r.FileName.Contains(searchTerm).Boost(1.5f))
.Or(r => r.Content.Contains(searchTerm))
.Or(r => r.DocumentContents.Contains(searchTerm));
var individualWordsPredicate = PredicateBuilder.False<T>();
foreach (var term in searchTerm.Split(' '))
= individualWordsPredicate.And(r =>
|| r.FileName.Contains(term).Boost(1.5f)
|| r.Content.Contains(term)
|| r.DocumentContents.Contains(term));
return PredicateBuilder.Or(actualPhrasePredicate.Boost(2f),
The actual phrase part seems to work well. Hits with the full phrase in the title are returned first. However, if I remove a word from the middle of the phrase, no results are returned.
i.e. I have a page with a title "The England football team are dreadful", but when I search with "The football team are dreadful", it doesn't find the page.
Note: pages can have documents attached to them, so I want to boost the filenames too but not as highly as the page title.
I managed to get this to work with the following:
It's obviously quite a bit more code, but I think separating the predicates makes more sense for boosting to work effectively.
The main issue with the previous code was two fold:
PredicateBuilder.Or(actualPhrasePredicate.Boost(2f), individualWordsPredicate)
doesn't seem to include the predicate being Or'd. When doing a.ToString()
on the resulting joined predicate, the expression didn't contain anything for theindividualWordsPredicate
for theindividualWordsPredicate
. When looking at the expression it was basically producing(False AND Field.Contains(keyword))
which of course will never evaluate to true. Using.True<T>()
fixed this.