I am trying to create a program to count the different values that occur in a column of a data file. So, it would be something like, if the possible values of a column are A, B, C. The output is something like
A 456
B 234
C 344
I have been able to get the running counts of A, B and C easily by doing something like this
my %count;
for my $f (@ffile) {
open F, $f || die "Cannot open $f: $!";
while (<F>) {
my @U = split / /;
foreach my $w (sort keys %count) {
printf $w\t$count{$w};
For instance here I am counting the second column of the file in the path given.
How do I sort the output of the printf by the counts rather than the keys (or values A, B, C) to get -
A 456
C 344
B 234
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This splits on space characters and looks for the count after the second space; it's often easier to do:
used with a constant space instead of a regex splits on any sequence of whitespace, likesplit /\s+/
except that it ignores trailing whitespace...this is a common enough thing to do that there is this special syntax for it. Note that the chomp becomes unnecessary.This is a FAQ:
perldoc -q sort