I'm trying to send a Buffer to my browser over socket.io. Supposedly this is supported as of 1.0.
Server code:
var tempBuffer = new Buffer(10);
for (var i=0; i<10; i++) {
tempBuffer[i] = i;
io.sockets.emit('updateDepth', { image: true, buffer: tempBuffer });
Client code:
socket.on('updateDepth', function(data) {
console.log("update depth: " + data.buffer + ", " + data.buffer.length);
Everything looks good on the client side except that data.buffer is an ArrayBuffer (not a Buffer) and the length is undefined (the ArrayBuffer does not seem to contain anything).
Am I missing something obvious or is this not how it is supposed to work? Many Thanks!
is a node thing which browsers do not have native support for, but they do support Typed Arrays (better than a Buffer shim). So it makes sense to use a better container on the browser side.Turns out this was working fine. For some reason the Buffer didn't allow me to access it directly and it's length was undefined. Converting it to a Uint8Array worked perfectly though. I'm guessing that this is because even though socket.io will now send Buffer objects there is no guarantee that your client-side javascript will know what to do with them.
This does work: