I am working on a new project and have used a storyboard for the UI. All of my tableViews have an issue with the line separator. The picture below shows two lines. The first is a blue one which was set in the attributes inspector. The second one is black and was added with an imageView that I placed in the cell. The line does extend to the right side of the cell but not the left. Any ideas?
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You have to set your cell property called preservesSuperviewLayoutMargins to false
Them you just have to set your cell layoutMargins to zero
You need also to select you tableView separator,select custom and change left value from 15 to 0
You need to do the same for your cell, just change the left value value from 15 to 0:
first set table view
1.set separatorInset of tableview instance to UIEdgeInsetsMake(0, 0, 0, 0)
second set cell
1.set preservesSuperviewLayoutMargins of cell (instance) to NO
2.set layoutMargins of cell to UIEdgeInsetsZero
3.saet separatorInset of cell to UIEdgeInsetsZero
Hope to help you