This Question is similar to Make one source set dependent on another
Besides the main SourceSet I also have a testenv SourceSet. The code in the testenv SourceSet references the main code, therefor I need to add the main SourceSet to the testenvCompile configuration.
sourceSets {
dependencies {
testenvCompile sourceSets.main
This does not work, because you cannot directly add sourceSets as dependencies. The recommended way to do this is:
sourceSets {
dependencies {
testenvCompile sourceSets.main.output
But this does not work correctly with eclipse, because when I clean the gradle build folder, eclipse can't compile anymore, since it depends on the gradle build. Also if I change main code I'd have to rebuild the project in gradle for the changes to take effect in eclipse.
How do I declare the dependencies correctly?
sourceSets {
dependencies {
testenvCompile files(, sourceSets.testenv.resources.srcDirs)
works for the main source, but because I now reference the .java files I am missing generated classes from the Annotation-Processor :(
So after all this is the way to go:
To make it work correctly with eclipse you have to manually exclude all sourceSet outputs from the eclipse classpath. This is ugly, but it works for me: