Multi-byte safe wordwrap() function for UTF-8

2019-01-09 01:58发布

PHP's wordwrap() function doesn't work correctly for multi-byte strings like UTF-8.

There are a few examples of mb safe functions in the comments, but with some different test data they all seem to have some problems.

The function should take the exact same parameters as wordwrap().

Specifically be sure it works to:

  • cut mid-word if $cut = true, don't cut mid-word otherwise
  • not insert extra spaces in words if $break = ' '
  • also work for $break = "\n"
  • work for ASCII, and all valid UTF-8

2楼-- · 2019-01-09 02:01
 * wordwrap for utf8 encoded strings
 * @param string $str
 * @param integer $len
 * @param string $what
 * @return string
 * @author Milian Wolff <>

function utf8_wordwrap($str, $width, $break, $cut = false) {
    if (!$cut) {
        $regexp = '#^(?:[\x00-\x7F]|[\xC0-\xFF][\x80-\xBF]+){'.$width.',}\b#U';
    } else {
        $regexp = '#^(?:[\x00-\x7F]|[\xC0-\xFF][\x80-\xBF]+){'.$width.'}#';
    if (function_exists('mb_strlen')) {
        $str_len = mb_strlen($str,'UTF-8');
    } else {
        $str_len = preg_match_all('/[\x00-\x7F\xC0-\xFD]/', $str, $var_empty);
    $while_what = ceil($str_len / $width);
    $i = 1;
    $return = '';
    while ($i < $while_what) {
        preg_match($regexp, $str,$matches);
        $string = $matches[0];
        $return .= $string.$break;
        $str = substr($str, strlen($string));
    return $return.$str;

Total time: 0.0020880699 is good time :)

3楼-- · 2019-01-09 02:01
function mb_wordwrap($str, $width = 74, $break = "\r\n", $cut = false)
            return preg_replace(
                '~(?P<str>.{' . $width . ',}?' . ($cut ? '(?(?!.+\s+)\s*|\s+)' : '\s+') . ')(?=\S+)~mus',
                '$1' . $break,
4楼-- · 2019-01-09 02:06

Just want to share some alternative I found on the net.

if ( !function_exists('mb_str_split') ) {
    function mb_str_split($string, $split_length = 1)

        $split_length = ($split_length <= 0) ? 1 : $split_length;

        $mb_strlen = mb_strlen($string, 'utf-8');

        $array = array();

        for($i = 0; $i < $mb_strlen; $i += $split_length) {
            $array[] = mb_substr($string, $i, $split_length);

        return $array;

Using mb_str_split, you can use join to combine the words with <br>.

    $text = '<utf-8 content>';

    echo join('<br>', mb_str_split($text, 20));

And finally create your own helper, perhaps mb_textwrap


if( !function_exists('mb_textwrap') ) {
    function mb_textwrap($text, $length = 20, $concat = '<br>') 
        return join($concat, mb_str_split($text, $length));

$text = '<utf-8 content>';
// so simply call
echo mb_textwrap($text);

See screenshot demo: mb_textwrap demo

5楼-- · 2019-01-09 02:07

Because no answer was handling every use case, here is something that does. The code is based on Drupal’s AbstractStringWrapper::wordWrap.


 * Wraps any string to a given number of characters.
 * This implementation is multi-byte aware and relies on {@link
 * PHP's multibyte
 * string extension}.
 * @see wordwrap()
 * @link
 * @param string $string
 *   The input string.
 * @param int $width [optional]
 *   The number of characters at which <var>$string</var> will be
 *   wrapped. Defaults to <code>75</code>.
 * @param string $break [optional]
 *   The line is broken using the optional break parameter. Defaults
 *   to <code>"\n"</code>.
 * @param boolean $cut [optional]
 *   If the <var>$cut</var> is set to <code>TRUE</code>, the string is
 *   always wrapped at or before the specified <var>$width</var>. So if
 *   you have a word that is larger than the given <var>$width</var>, it
 *   is broken apart. Defaults to <code>FALSE</code>.
 * @return string
 *   Returns the given <var>$string</var> wrapped at the specified
 *   <var>$width</var>.
function mb_wordwrap($string, $width = 75, $break = "\n", $cut = false) {
  $string = (string) $string;
  if ($string === '') {
    return '';

  $break = (string) $break;
  if ($break === '') {
    trigger_error('Break string cannot be empty', E_USER_ERROR);

  $width = (int) $width;
  if ($width === 0 && $cut) {
    trigger_error('Cannot force cut when width is zero', E_USER_ERROR);

  if (strlen($string) === mb_strlen($string)) {
    return wordwrap($string, $width, $break, $cut);

  $stringWidth = mb_strlen($string);
  $breakWidth = mb_strlen($break);

  $result = '';
  $lastStart = $lastSpace = 0;

  for ($current = 0; $current < $stringWidth; $current++) {
    $char = mb_substr($string, $current, 1);

    $possibleBreak = $char;
    if ($breakWidth !== 1) {
      $possibleBreak = mb_substr($string, $current, $breakWidth);

    if ($possibleBreak === $break) {
      $result .= mb_substr($string, $lastStart, $current - $lastStart + $breakWidth);
      $current += $breakWidth - 1;
      $lastStart = $lastSpace = $current + 1;

    if ($char === ' ') {
      if ($current - $lastStart >= $width) {
        $result .= mb_substr($string, $lastStart, $current - $lastStart) . $break;
        $lastStart = $current + 1;

      $lastSpace = $current;

    if ($current - $lastStart >= $width && $cut && $lastStart >= $lastSpace) {
      $result .= mb_substr($string, $lastStart, $current - $lastStart) . $break;
      $lastStart = $lastSpace = $current;

    if ($current - $lastStart >= $width && $lastStart < $lastSpace) {
      $result .= mb_substr($string, $lastStart, $lastSpace - $lastStart) . $break;
      $lastStart = $lastSpace = $lastSpace + 1;

  if ($lastStart !== $current) {
    $result .= mb_substr($string, $lastStart, $current - $lastStart);

  return $result;

6楼-- · 2019-01-09 02:08

I haven't found any working code for me. Here is what I've written. For me it is working, thought it is probably not the fastest.

function mb_wordwrap($str, $width = 75, $break = "\n", $cut = false) {
    $lines = explode($break, $str);
    foreach ($lines as &$line) {
        $line = rtrim($line);
        if (mb_strlen($line) <= $width)
        $words = explode(' ', $line);
        $line = '';
        $actual = '';
        foreach ($words as $word) {
            if (mb_strlen($actual.$word) <= $width)
                $actual .= $word.' ';
            else {
                if ($actual != '')
                    $line .= rtrim($actual).$break;
                $actual = $word;
                if ($cut) {
                    while (mb_strlen($actual) > $width) {
                        $line .= mb_substr($actual, 0, $width).$break;
                        $actual = mb_substr($actual, $width);
                $actual .= ' ';
        $line .= trim($actual);
    return implode($break, $lines);
7楼-- · 2019-01-09 02:09

This one seems to work well...

function mb_wordwrap($str, $width = 75, $break = "\n", $cut = false, $charset = null) {
    if ($charset === null) $charset = mb_internal_encoding();

    $pieces = explode($break, $str);
    $result = array();
    foreach ($pieces as $piece) {
      $current = $piece;
      while ($cut && mb_strlen($current) > $width) {
        $result[] = mb_substr($current, 0, $width, $charset);
        $current = mb_substr($current, $width, 2048, $charset);
      $result[] = $current;
    return implode($break, $result);
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