I want to dislay ShareActionProvider
on ActionBar
, but with custom look&feel. Only one simple share icon without borders and without most used app icon on the right. But providing popup menu with most used applications. Is there a simple way to do it without implementing own ShareActionProvider
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OK so regardless of ActionBarSherlock first test to see if your creating your intent correctly, ABS uses the same code as the generic chooser does so see if the app's you are looking for show up when you execute this code.
All of that app's that handle plain text will show up, if facebook, or whatever you are expecting is not there then those app's don't support the ACTION_SEND intent for the type you have registered (plain/text). (Facebook does, but more about that in a minute)
ABS has a sample for using the share action provider but it try's to send a photo, not a text message (status update) the setup you should be using is something like this
And here is the intent that will be used to match app's and list them out from the sample
but you want it to be
This should give you the same list in ABS at it did in the small test stub I showed with the chooser above.