Yes, I know that. Function bind is not supported by Phantomjs. But maybe I can use something else, or say
not to use bind
? It seems to be OK, but some websites
return error
TypeError: 'undefined' is not a function (evaluating 'b.bind(a)')
After that I wrote a simple script, which just opens a page:
var address = phantom.args[0];
if(!address) phantom.exit(1);
page = require("webpage").create();, function(status){
function () {
page.evaluate(function() {
return document.body.innerHTML.length;
)}, 200)
But error is still there. Error is not the main problem, but the problem is to get page content, because after error page content is not loading...
So, I need help.
P.S. Problem website is
There is an npm package which loads a polyfill for phantomJS's missing .bind method. Copying the installation instructions here for convenience, but follow the link for any updates.
Usage with Karma Include the polyfill directly in the files list of your karma.conf
You can shim Function.bind using the following polyfill.
Just prepend it to the code you are trying to run. There are probably nicer solutions, but this worked great for me.
You can mention this bind function just before the test case.