I am currently running Sonar for the static analysis of my code. When I was analyzing java files and wanted to suppress a certain warning, I used the @SuppressWarnings(nameOfTheWarningOnSonar) annotation. I wanted to know if there was a simple equivalent in Javascript to suppress specific warnings on Sonar.
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Well, the easiest way is for sure :
Correct what Sonar is saying :)
but let's assume that it's false positive.
Here are the list of possible method to fix this issue :
Since November 2014 : tag support
is now fully supported by the JavaScript check (thanks @RPallas)
When you don't control the Sonar : quite ugly method
If you catch any possible problem, Sonar can't detect something (thanks @JavaScript).
But the best way is for sure to modify the configuration of Sonar :
When you control Sonar : add a plugin
To use the CheckStyle plugin on Sonar : (http://checkstyle.sourceforge.net/)
The solution will be to add a Checkstyle structured comment to the offending class to suppress a particular check.
The suppression comment (SuppressionCommentFilter) format required is like this:
But I send you to the documentation of this plugin (http://checkstyle.sourceforge.net/config.html)
I hope this answer helps.
You can put // NOSONAR on the line triggering the warning.