I found this: https://github.com/VineAPI/VineAPI/blob/master/endpoints.md
I have following Some Process for share video on vine app. 1.Login:https://api.vineapp.com/users/authenticate Authentication successfully using above doc lin API. I have received a key(session key).
for another Process. After that use the next Api for Upload Video thumbnail On Vine. 2.thumnails https://media.vineapp.com/upload/thumbs/1.3.1.mp4.jpg
Thumbnails successfully uploaded On vine and received the server response get the uploaded thumbnails URL in X-Upload-Key. You can see the Above image. 3.Upload Video:https://media.vineapp.com/upload/videos/1.3.1.mp4
Video Data successfully uploaded On vine and received the server response get the uploaded Video URL in X-Upload-Key. You can see the Above image. 4.Create Post:https://api.vineapp.com/posts
Post successfully create On vine and received the server response
code = "";
data = {
created = "2016-04-18T09:27:20.000000";
permalinkUrl = "https://vine.co/v/iFaqLt7w5Qm";
postId = 1333777877887795200;
videoUrl = "http://v.cdn.vine.co/static/private_post_old_client.mp4";
error = "";
success = 1;
When Open the permalinkUrl = "https://vine.co/v/iFaqLt7w5Qm"; get error message.You can see in Image
and aslo open link on browser http://v.cdn.vine.co/static/private_post_old_client.mp4
Video autometically download but video did not download actual video.show some message On Video Like this.
Please Help me.Have you any Idea.
Finally I did it,
Just change the setting of AVAssetExportSession before exporting the video to save.
self.exportSession = [[AVAssetExportSession alloc] initWithAsset:mixComposition presetName:AVAssetExportPreset640x480];
self.exportSession.outputFileType = AVFileTypeMPEG4;