I have a $scope.myData object that contain a chunk of data. What i am trying to do is display the data but filter out the nulls and empty strings:
$scope.myData = [
"ID" : "001",
"Message" : "test test test test"
"ID" : "002",
"Message" : "test test test test"
"ID" : "003",
"Message" : "test test test test"
"ID" : "004",
"Message" : "test test test test"
"ID" : "005",
"Message" : " "
"ID" : "006",
"Message" : "test test test test"
"ID" : "007",
"Message" : "test test test test"
"ID" : "007",
"Message" : null
I can perform an ng-repeat on the above and filter null's via:
<div ng-repeat="data in myData | filter:{Message: '!!'}">
{{ data.ID }}
{{ data.Message }}
But how can i filter the empty strings e.g:
"Message" : " "
You can use a function instead of an object like this
And in the controller
You can use '' charter. Try check like this.
Well you can create a custom filter:
And in your HTML:
If you wanted to filter out values in an object that are empty, you could create a custom filter and filter each based on the value.
Something like this:
jsFiddle example
You could also use the ng-if directive and a function that parses the objects as you see fit.
We can simply use ng-if here:
You can use an angular filter for this:
Working Fiddle
Code Snippet: